Prize for Stanisław Kotarba !
Jakub Nowak
29th november 2000 The Slvakian Muzeum of Nature and Cave Protection award main prize to Stanisław Kotarba for the best photo during "Speleophotography 2000" competition. Prize-photography has a title "Space garden". The information is very gratifying for me because I am one of the "vegetables" on the picture.
The competition Speleofotografia 2000 was organized by:
Slovenske muzeum ochrany prirody a jaskyniarstva, Liptovsky Mikulas
Slovenska speleologicka spolocnost, Liptovsky Mikulas
Sprava slovenskych jaskyn, Liptovsky Mikulas
Zvaz slovenskych fotografov, Ruzomberok
Mesto Liptovsky Mikulas
In the competition took part speleo-photographers from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Holland, Germany, Slovakia, Poland, Austria and Sweden. Poland was represented by Ewa Kotarba, Staszek Kotarba, Michał Smoter i Adam Szynkiewicz.
Staszek Kotarba with friends visited Stanisovska Cave and Zapolna Cave during the visit in Slovakia.