34 Speleological Symposium

   Between 20 and 22nd october the Speleological Symposium took place in the Polish Tatra Mountains. During the lectures the audience could get to know about geological, hydrogeological, paleoklimatical and biological research made in the Tatra Mts. The history of exploration of the Tatra's caves' was presented too.
During the second day a field trip took place in the Slovakian Western Tatras. There was visited the Brestovska Cave System - the longest cave on that part of Tatras. After the trip the efects of the exploration in the Polish Karpathians were presented, as well as karst of Australia, exploration in the Pieniny Mts and hydrogeological research near the river Bia³ka gorge. Our Slovakian friend Peter Holúbek presented the present knowledge about the Botovska Cave. It is lying in the Siberia Upland and it is over 50 km long. The dimension of the massif lets us think that the lenght of the cave should be mesure in thousands of kilometers !!!
During the next day the audience visited Chcho³owska Valley with the Szczelina Chocho³owska Cave.

Jakub Nowak